Proposing a Future VTS Conference
IEEE regional entities (Sections and Regional Councils) and VTS local chapters are invited to submit proposals to host any of VTS’s sponsored conferences: VTC, VPPC, CAVS, and WAC. If a conference is not listed under “Current Conferences” for the time slot you have in mind, then that slot can be considered available.
Individuals or organizations interested in hosting an IEEE VTS Conference should contact VTS VP Conferences.
Requesting Financial Sponsorship from VTS
The Vehicular Technology Society has historically acted to financially support IEEE conferences whose scope falls within the interest of VTS members. Financial involvement by an IEEE Society works best when the target society(s) is involved in conference planning during the onset of the conference’s organization. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is required by IEEE for all financial co-sponsorships. Individuals or organizations interested in obtaining VTS financial sponsorship should contact the VTS VP Conferences.
Requesting Technical Co-Sponsorship from VTS
Technical co-sponsorship by an IEEE Society also requires an MOU. By submitting a Conference Application through the IEEE ICX online system, an MOU is automatically generated for all requested IEEE technical co-sponsors. Once VTS has been contacted by the IEEE about the request, the MOU is reviewed along with the details about the conference to determine if VTS is an appropriate match for the conference. The VTS Conference Committee then votes on the request for technical co-sponsorship. If approved, IEEE VTS agrees to the terms of the MOU and becomes an official technical co-sponsor of the conference.

Individuals or organizations interested in either hosting an IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference or in obtaining VTS sponsorship should contact the VTS VP Conferences.
To submit an IEEE Conference Application, please visit the online submission site.
For more information on organizing an IEEE conference, please consult the IEEE Conference Guidelines.