Award/Recognition Menu
To provide travel grants to IEEE VTS Student Members that present high ranking papers at conferences that VTS financially sponsors at greater than 50%.
A travel grant to the conference to present the paper. The travel grant is administered in reimbursement-mode, with a maximum budget of $1,000 USD. All travel expenses must comply with IEEE and VTS travel policies and reimbursement procedures, and conference registration fees cannot be claimed as a travel expense. The claim for travel expenses must be submitted no later than 3 weeks after the end of the conference.
Funded by the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Endowment Fund managed by the IEEE Foundation, i) the travel grant budget is yearly assigned by the VP for conferences, ii) the unused budget is returned to the VP for conferences, iii) the VTS Endowment Fund is possibly replenished to guarantee to cover at least 12 travel grants per year.
Travel grants will be recognized at the conference, during the conference award presentations, and each will receive a travel grant certificate.
Grantees must have a paper(s) selected for presentation at a conference that VTS financially sponsors at greater than 50%, and
• The grantee must be an undergraduate or graduate student and he/she must be an IEEE VTS member.
• The grantee must be the first author of the paper.
• The grantee must attend the conference and present the paper.
• The grantee may be a conference best paper winner.
• The grantee cannot have received a VTS student travel grant in the past 18 months.
Information about the VTS Student Travel Grants will be posted on TrackChair once the paper acceptance notifications are sent out for the VTS sponsored conference in question.
No recipients available.