Award/Recognition Menu
To better recognize those individuals whose truly outstanding leadership and contributions have had a significant impact on the technologies represented by the fields of interest of the IEEE VTS.
Plaque and Life Membership in the VTS. Reimbursement of travel expenses to accept the award, not to exceed $2,500.
Funded by the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.
The Vehicular Technology Society awards ceremony takes place at the fall edition of the flagship conference, the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. This is the preferred venue for presenting this award, and the location and date will hence depend on the location and date of the conference. Alternatively, the award can be presented at any other Vehicular Technology Society events that include the spring edition of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference and the IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference.
The candidate’s contributions must relate to one of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society fields of interest. Nominees from any country are eligible. Previous award winners, currently elected Board members and appointed members of the award selection committee are ineligible.
For major contributions to the modern wireless revolution through pioneering fundamental and applied research advances enabling the remarkable evolution of innovative wireless technologies
In recognition of his pioneering and lasting outstanding contributions in communications, cognitive radio, signal processing and engineering education
In recognition of his pioneering and outstanding lasting achievements in the theory and development of high performance quasi-optimal error-correction codes, iterative decoding and equalization techniques
In recognition of his pioneering and lasting achievements in the theory and development of modern wireless communications, error control coding, and spread spectrum technology
For pioneering and lasting contributions to the principles and practice of mobile radio communications and cellular telephony
In recognition of his pioneering and lasting contributions and impact in Cellular and Wireless Communications
In recognition of his lasting contributions and impact in wireless communications and CDMA technology