Standing Committees


Standing Committees (Technical and Administrative) are established or dissolved by the Board of Governors through the Bylaw amendment process. 

Ad Hoc committees may be established by the President or the Board of Governors. If empowered by the President, the committee cannot continue beyond the term of office of the appointing President.  If established by the Board of Governors, the life of the committee will be 1 year, unless otherwise declared by the Board of Governors. The life of a committee may be extended by the Board.

To view a committee or contact a committee chair, please click on one of the VTS Standing Committees listed below.

Administrative Committees

Administrative Committees may be established by the Board of Governors to cover a particular area of Society operations. In certain cases where an Administrative Committee such as the Publications Committee or the Membership Committee is providing a service to or on behalf of IEEE as well as the Society, the coordination with the proper IEEE entity shall be effected to ensure compliance with Institute requirements.


The Awards Committee recommends candidates to the President for all awards, citations, and prizes except as elsewhere provided.


The committee shall maintain an up-to-date record of the Constitution & Bylaws of this Society, and to ensure that the Society’s Constitution and Bylaws are in accord with IEEE requirements.


This Committee advises the Society President in the performance of his/her duties. It cannot take any action that will restrict the Board of Governors.


The purpose of the Finance Committee is to oversee the financial activities of the Society. These activities include, but are not limited to, the following:


The Membership Committee is in the purview of the Vice President Membership Development and provides liaison between the Society, the membership, and prospective members.


This committee is responsible for coordinating the publicity of VTS activities and members both within the Society and externally; as well as publicizing the Society itself externally.


The Chapters Committee is in the purview of the Vice President Membership Development and maintains contact with Chapter officers.


Responsible for recruiting, selecting, vetting, and supporting the activities of Distinguished Lecturers and Distinguished Speakers within the policies set out by the Board of Governors.


The Fellows Committee will solicit qualified candidates and make recommendations to the Board of Governors for nominees for advancement to the grade of Fellow in the IEEE.


The purpose of this committee is to identify new opportunities that would enable greater professional development and growth of industry members of the VTS.


This committee identifies new VTS volunteering opportunities, advertises these opportunities to VTS membership, and recruits/interviews volunteers for available positions.


The Conference Committee is headed by the Vice President-Conferences and is tasked with the development and management of the conference portfolio for all VTS-organized events.


This committee is responsible for developing the policy for education activities in the VTS within IEEE guidelines, and implementing the educational activities within the Society.


This committee is responsible for coordinating the administration of Fellowships and/or Scholarships established by the Society.


This committee shall be concerned with advances and changes in the state-of-the-art in vehicular electronic technology, particularly in the areas in the FOI of VTS.


The Publications Committee is headed by the Vice President Publications and does the following: (a) Recommends publication policy of the Society.

Technical Committees

Technical Committees may be established by the Board of Governors to cover a special portion of the field of interest of the Society. This special Committee shall provide a source of technical and professional advice and assistance on the particular field of interest of the technical committee. In certain cases where a technical committee such as a technical standards committee is providing a service to or on behalf of IEEE as well as the Society, the coordination with the IEEE shall be effected to ensure compliance with Institute requirements. If a technical committee covers a complete Field of Interest of the Society, e..g., Land Transportation, it may, at the discretion of the members concerned and approval by the Board of Governors, be designated as a Division of the Society, and function as a subentity of the Society.

Call for Proposals of Ad-Hoc Technical Committees

IEEE VTS encourages proposals for new ad-hoc technical committees on important or emerging topics in the society's fields of interest.

Learn more about submitting a proposal here.

Join a Technical Committee

Are you interested in joining one of the existing VTS Technical Committees? Please click the button below and submit the interest form.

Land Transportation


This committee shall cover the technology relating to electrical and/or electronic aspects of ground transportation.


The objective of the AdHoc Committee on Electric Railways is to support and grow an electric railways system community within IEEE.

Motor Vehicles


This committee shall cover those areas of vehicular electronics and electrical engineering ordinarily identified with the automotive industry.


The VTS AdHoc Committee on Autonomous Vehicles is tasked to identify unsolved problems and invite research in the technical aspects of automated driving.

Mobile Radio


The scope of this committee encompasses radiowave propagation issues. The committee shall provide publications and services to the membership and to the Board as requested by the Board.


The AdHoc Committee on AI in Wireless Communications serves to establish a technical community to explore how Deep Learning can be applied for future wireless communications design.


The objective of the Committee on Drones is to promote research among the members of the IEEE VTS community in this important discipline.


The objective of the AdHoc Committee on Space-Air-Ground-Water Integrated Communication Systems is to support and promote research among the members of the IEEE VTS community in this field.