The Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) is held twice a year, and typically rotates locations between North America, Europe, and Asia. This semi-annual flagship conference attracts individuals from academia, government, and industry to discuss and exchange ideas in the fields of wireless, mobile, and vehicular technology. A typical VTC includes world-class plenary speakers, tutorials, technical as well as application sessions, workshops, and an innovative Industry Track, headlined by industry leaders sharing their perspectives on the latest technologies. VTC is quickly approaching its 100th edition, which will take place in 2024.
The IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC) is the VTS flagship conference focusing on motor vehicles, with a strong emphasis on clean and electric vehicles. The conference brings together engineers, researchers, and other professionals for interactive and multidisciplinary discussions on electrified vehicle power, propulsion, and related technologies. A typical VPPC will include innovative keynote speakers, technical sessions, tutorials, poster sessions, special and invited sessions, workshops, and exhibits.
Since vehicle technology has entered a new era of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), VTS established IEEE CAVS with the aim of bringing together and supporting researchers working on different aspects of CAVs. IEEE CAVS is a symposium for reporting advances in all aspects of connected and automated vehicles, including theory, tools, protocols, networks, applications, systems, testbeds, and field deployments.
2018 saw the introduction of the VTS Wireless Africa Conference (WAC) which was held in Ethiopia. This IEEE conference aims to provide a platform for wireless researchers to share their results, call for comments and collaborations, and exchange innovative ideas on leading-edge research in wireless technologies.
The Joint Rail Conference (JRC) is the premier technical event in the U.S.A. inclusive of all disciplines for freight and passenger rail transportation: mechanical, electrical, civil, and systems engineering, as well as rail safety, planning, design, manufacturing, financing, operations, and management. JRC is co-organized annually with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Upcoming Conferences & Events
PromotionsAcronymVTC2025-SpringDate–Geographic LocationOslo, NorwayIEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)SponsorshipFinancially SponsoredSeriesVTC
PromotionsAcronymVTC2025-FallDate–Geographic LocationChengdu, ChinaIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)General Chair(s)
AcronymIEEE VPPC 2025Date–Geographic LocationHangzhou, ChinaIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)SponsorshipFinancially SponsoredSeriesVPPC
PromotionsAcronymVTC2026-SpringDate–Geographic LocationNice, FranceIEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)General Chair(s)
PromotionsAcronymVTC2026-FallDate–Geographic LocationBoston, MA, USAIEEE RegionRegion 01 (Northeastern U.S.)General Chair(s)
PromotionsAcronymVTC2027-SpringDate–Geographic LocationHamburg, GermanyIEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)General Chair(s)

Individuals or organizations interested in either hosting an IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference or in obtaining VTS sponsorship should contact the VTS VP Conferences.
To submit an IEEE Conference Application, please visit the online submission site.