Pingzhi Fan

Pingzhi Fan

Southwest Jiaotong University
IEEE Region
Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)
Technical Area
Vehicular communications and connected vehicles, Signal processing and digital transmission

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Pingzhi Fan received his MSc degree in Computer Science from the Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), PRC, in 1987, and Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering from the Hull University, U.K., in 1994. He is currently a distinguished professor of SWJTU, director of the institute of mobile communications, and honorary dean of the SWJTU-Leeds Joint School. He is also a visiting/guest professor of Leeds University (UK, 1997-), and Shanghai Jiaotong University (China, 1999-). He is a recipient of the UK ORS Award (1992), the NSFC Outstanding Young Scientist Award (1998), Yisheng Mao Rail Sci & Tech Award (2017), IEEE VTS Jack Neubauer Memorial Award (2018), IEEE SP Soc SPL Best Paper Award (2019), IEEE WCSP 10-Year Anniversary Excellent Paper Award (2009-2019), IEEE/CIC ICCC2020 Best Paper Award, and WCSP2022 Best Paper Award. He was the chief scientist of a national 973 research project (MoST, 2012-2016), IEEE VTS Distinguished Lecturer (2015.7-2019.6) and Distinguished Speaker (2019.7-2022.6-2025.6), and a fellow of IEEE, IET, CIE and CIC. He served as a general chair or TPC chair of a number of international conferences including PIMRC’2023, ITW’2018, VTC’2016Spring, IWSDA’2022 & HMWC’2022, and is the guest editor-in-chief, guest editor or editorial member of several international journals. He is the founding chair of IEEE VTS BJ Chapter and IEEE ComSoc CD Chapter, founding chair of IEEE CD Section. He also served as a board member of IEEE Region 10 (Asia-Pacific), IET Council, and IET Asia-Pacific Region. He has published over 700 research works, including 8 books, over 360 international journal papers, over 140 Chinese journal papers, and over 200 referred international conference papers. He is also an inventor of 26 granted Chinese and PCT patents. His works has been cited 22,870+ times, with h-index=62. (Google Scholar, December 2022).

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