Award/Recognition Menu
The IEEE Grade of Fellow is conferred by the Board of Directors upon a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. The total number selected in any one year does not exceed one-tenth of one percent of the total voting Institute membership.
The VTS recognizes the significant achievements of all our members who have been elevated to the IEEE Fellow Grade. We thank them for their technical, educational, and leadership contributions that help advance vehicular technologies. Congratulations to our new IEEE Fellows!
Our recipients list consists of IEEE Fellows evaluated by all the IEEE Societies (since 2024) and IEEE VTS (1982 - 2023).
Each new Fellow receives a beautifully matted and framed certificate with the name of the Fellow and a brief citation describing the accomplishment, a congratulatory letter from the incoming IEEE president and a gold sterling silver Fellow lapel pin with antique finish.
for contributions to adaptive signal processing and applications to wireless communications
for contributions to verifiable computation and verifiable storage in cloud computing
for contributions to model predictive and constrained control in automotive and aerospace applications
for contributions to AI-enabled wireless networks and smart grid communications
for contributions to adaptive control and cooperative estimation with vehicular, robotic, and sensor network applications
for contributions to wireless localization and ultra-wideband systems
for contributions to millimeter wave wireless communications
for technical leadership and contributions in wireless smart utility networks and software-defined cognitive radio
for contributions to cellular wireless communications technology and standards
for contributions in theoretical foundations and system development of spectrum monitoring and cognition-based secure communications
for contributions to vehicular edge computing and security, wireless mobile network evaluation, and optimization
for contributions to multi-cell multi-user MIMO and intelligent spectrum access
for leadership in developing and deploying V2X communications
for contributions to wireless ad hoc networks and cybersecurity
for contributions to deep learning for physical layer communications and sensing
for contributions to methods for virtualized networks and optical access design
for contributions to interference and resource management in space-air-ground networks
for contributions to array signal processing with applications to UAV surveillance
for contributions to wireless network performance optimization and wireless security
for contributions to sparse signal processing and multi-antenna technology
for contributions to the security and privacy of the Internet-of- Things and cyber-physical systems
for contributions to the practical design and application of high- isolation broadband antennas and arrays
for contributions in wireless communications
for contributions to vehicular communications and networking
for standardization of edge/fog computing and innovation in wireless relay networking technologies
for contributions to the modeling and energy efficient design of wireless communication systems
for contributions to learning based wireless security
for contributions to secure resource sharing and core network control for resilient computing
for contributions to hybrid MIMO transceiver design and distributed optimization for wireless networks
for contributions to sparse signal processing and smart antennas in cognitive radio and networks
for contributions to resource management and scheduling for high-performance computing
for contributions to secure wireless networks
for contributions to sparse signal processing and smart antennas in cognitive radio and networks
for contributions to wireless communications transceivers
for contributions to intelligent signal analysis and wireless resource optimization
for contributions to applications of cyber-physical systems in automotive engineering and connected vehicle
for contributions to battery management algorithms and electric vehicle optimization
for contributions to heterogeneous space-air-ground networks
for contributions to MIMO and reconfigurable intelligent surfaceassisted communications
for contributions in terahertz communication and nanonetworking
for contributions to navigation with signals of opportunity
for leadership in advancing dynamic spectrum access and wireless communications
for contributions to mobile communication systems
for contributions to scaling laws and cross-layer optimization for wireless networks
for contributions to performance and management of network systems
for contributions to data security in cloud computing
for contributions to non-orthogonal multiple access technologies and wireless power transfer
for contributions to resource allocation and cooperation in unmanned aerial vehicle networks
for contributions to distributed energy resources integration in power systems
for contributions to cognitive radio networks
for contributions to radio localization and sensing
for contributions to design and control of linear and rotary machines and drives
for contributions to automotive electronic systems
for contributions to modeling, performance analysis, and resource management of wireless networks
for contributions to resource management in wireless networks
for contributions to incentive-compatible and privacy-preserving mechanisms in distributed systems
for contributions to multiple access signal processing systems
for contributions to reconfigurable electric vehicle batteries
for contributions to cognitive radio networking and wireless performance analysis
for contributions to topology control of wireless networks
for outstanding contributions to wireless localization and dynamic resource allocation in broadband mobile networks
for contributions to wireless sensing and ubiquitous computing
for contributions to information and network security
for contributions to channel modeling and wireless communications in high-speed railways
for development of operations and management systems for home broadband networks
for leadership in heterogeneous self-organizing wireless networks
for contributions to wireless channel modeling and applications
for contributions to resource management and service provisioning for mobile edge networks
for contributions to the analysis and design of wireless communication and networking
for contributions to low power wireless for IoT and multimedia applications
for contributions to energy efficient wireless communications
for contributions to topology control of wireless networks
for leadership in standardization of wireless mobile systems
for contributions to design and analysis of mobile wireless communications systems
for contributions to terahertz data communication
for contributions to resource management in wireless networks
for contributions to wireless channel modeling and underwater communications
for contributions to design and performance analysis of cognitive radio and cooperative communication systems
for contributions to cross-layer design of wireless communications systems
for leadership in theory, standardization, and application of wireless technologies
for contributions to modeling and performance evaluation in wireless communications
for contributions to mobility management and radio resource allocation in mobile wireless networks
for contributions to radio resource management for cellular systems and networks
for development of railroad wireless communication
for contributions to multiple antenna systems for wireless communications
for leadership in development of broadband wireless networks
for contributions to multicarrier communications and wireless transceivers
for contributions to iterative processing in multiple-input multiple-output systems
for contributions on characterization and design of nonlinear RF circuits
for contributions to channel modeling and equalization for wireless communications
for contributions to optimal energy control in hybrid electric vehicles
for contributions to the standardization of cellular communication systems
for contributions to W-CDMA cellular standardization
for contributions to ultra-wideband wireless communications and localization
for contributions to hybrid electric vehicle modeling and power control
for leadership in the development of mobile communications in China
for leadership of mobile handset development
for contributions to high-speed wireless communication systems
for contributions to cognitive radio communications
for contributions to cellular architectures and radio resource management in wireless networks
for contributions to receiver design and performance analysis for wireless communications
for contributions to signal processing for wireless communications
for contributions to channel modeling and signal processing for wireless communications
for contributions to quality of service in broadband and ad hoc wireless networks
for contributions to multiple antenna systems for wireless communications
for contributions to resource management of wireless networks
for application of signal detection theory to vehicular communication systems
for leadership in integrating voice and data communications in networks
for contributions to wireless communications systems
for contributions to mobile communications and networks
for contributions to wireless communication systems
for contributions to the development of fading compensation and adaptive modulation techniques for wireless communication systems
for contributions to the theory and design of antennas, diversity systems and signal processing techniques for mobile communications
for contributions to radio resource management for mobile communication systems
for contributions to cellular telecommunications systems
for contributions to energy management systems for hybrid-electric vehicles
for contributions to cellular mobile radio communications
for contributions to software radio and communications signal processing and for leadership in engineering education
for contributions to railroad control systems
for contributions to methodologies for assessing exposure to radiofrequency radiation from portable communication devices
for contributions to propagation modeling for wireless personal communication systems
for contributions and leadership in digital cellular communication technologies
for contributions to digital modulation techniques and distributed dynamic channel assignment for mobile radio communications
for contributions to communications signal processing research and education
for contributions to and leadership in the development of intelligent radio communication systems and broadband radio on fiber systems
for leadership in the development of mobile communications technology, systems and standards
for contributions to and technical leadership in the development and world-wide deployment of wireless systems
for contributions in communication engineering and broadcasting engineering
for contributions to terrestrial and satellite-based cellular radio communications systems
for contributions to the statistical modeling of mobile and indoor wireless channels
for leadership in the design, implementation and commercialization of CDMA cellular technology
for contributions to digital cellular technology
for contributions to mobile cellular communication and CDMA technology