Anthony Soong
Anthony Soong
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Dr. Anthony Soong received a bachelor’s degree in animal physiology from the University of Calgary, Canada in 1982, and a master’s degree and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Alberta, Canada in 1989 and 1997, respectively. Dr. Soong’s research group at Huawei is actively engaged in the research, development and standardization of the next generation cellular system. Prior to joining Huawei, he was with the systems group for Ericsson Inc. and Qualcomm Inc. His research interests are in statistical signal processing, robust statistics, wireless communications, spread spectrum techniques, multicarrier signaling, multiple antenna techniques, software defined networking and physiological signal processing. Dr. Soong is a Fellow of the IEEE. He has published numerous scientific papers and has more than 90 patents granted or pending. He has acted as guest editor for the IEEE Communications Magazine and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. He has been a member of IEEE Communication Society since 1992 and IEEE Vehicular Technology Society since 1996. Dr. Soong is a founder of Open Platform for Network Functions Virtualization (OPNFV) and served as a founding board member from 2014 – 2016 as well as Secretary of OPNFV for 2016. Established by the Linux Foundation, the carrier-grade, integrated open source platform is intended to accelerate the introduction of new products and services, such as M2M communications and future technologies such as 5G. He currently serves as a Board Member of the Engineering College Industrial Advisory Board of the University of North Texas.