Hong Kong

Ross Murch

Personal Gender Pronouns
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
IEEE Region
Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)
Technical Area
Signal processing and digital transmission, Radio channels and antennas, Cooperative communication and green communication, 5G/B5G/6G and cellular systems
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Professor Ross Murch (S'84-M'90-SM'98-F'09) is a Chair Professor in the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering and an IAS Senior Fellow in the Institute of Advanced Study at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He received his BE and PhD degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. He is a Fellow of IEEE, IET, HKIE, HKAES and has served as Department Head in the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at HKUST for two 3 year terms between 2009 and 2015. He is currently the Chair of the Senate Research Committee and was also the founding Director of the Center for Wireless Information Technology.

He is known for his research on multiple antenna technology including multiuser-MIMO, compact multiport antennas and multiport energy harvesting. His current research focus is creating new RF wave technology for making a better world and this includes RF imaging, ambient RF systems, energy harvesting, electromagnetic information theory, 6G, IoT, multiport antenna systems and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces. His unique expertise lies in his combination of knowledge from both wireless communication systems and electromagnetics and he publishes in both areas. In total his research contributions include more than 400 publications and 20 patents while successfully supervising more than 50 research students. Professor Murch also has a strong interest in education, enjoys teaching and has won five teaching awards.

Professor Murch served as Area Editor, Associate Editor and Publication Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. He has also served as an Editor for special issues of the IEEE Proceedings and the IEEE Journal on Selected areas of Communications. He was also a Chair of the IEEE Communications Society technical committee on wireless communications, a member of the IEEE Communications Society Fellow Evaluation Committee and a member of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications steering committee. He has also been the Technical Program Chair for the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conferences in 2019 and 2007, Keynote Chair for IEEE International Conference on Communications in 2010, and also the Technical Program Chair for the Advanced Wireless Communications Systems Symposium in IEEE International Communications Conference in 2002.

He has held visiting positions at distinguished intuitions worldwide. He has been a David Bensted Fellow, Simon Fraser University, Canada, an HKTIIT fellow at Southampton University, UK and has spent sabbaticals at MIT, USA; AT&T, USA; Allgon Mobile Communications, Sweden; Imperial College London, UK. He was also a Distinguished Invited Speaker at WCNC 2016, a keynote speaker at IEEE ICCT 2011, IEEE APWC 2008, IEEE GCC 2007 and IEEE WiCOM 2007 and a distinguished lecturer for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.

Professor Murch joined HKUST in 1992 as an Assistant Professor and has remained at HKUST in Hong Kong since then, where he is now a Chair Professor. From 1990-1992 he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Dundee, UK.

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