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David W. Matolak (S’82, M’83, SM’00, F’21) received the B.S. degree from The Pennsylvania State University, M.S. degree from The University of Massachusetts, and Ph.D. degree from The University of Virginia, all in electrical engineering. He has over 25 years’ experience in communication system research, development, and deployment, with industry, government institutions, and academia, including AT&T Bell Labs, L3 Communication Systems, MITRE, and Lockheed Martin. He has published over 280 papers, multiple book chapters, and has eight patents. Professor Matolak is a Fellow of the IEEE, and is a recipient of multiple awards, including the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Best Propagation Paper award (2017). He has organized many IEEE workshops and special sessions, and has been an Associate Editor for two IEEE journals. He was a professor at Ohio University (1999-2012), and since 2012 has been a professor at the University of South Carolina. His research interests are radio channel modeling, secure and covert communications, and PHY/MAC communication techniques for statistically non-stationary fading channels. Prof. Matolak is also a member of RTCA and ITU standards groups working on aviation communications, and is a member of Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, URSI, ASEE, and AIAA.
- 2025-Present Regions 1-6 (Fellow Search Committee)
- 2024-Present Subcommittee Members (Propagation and Mobile Channel Theory Subcommittee)
- 2023-Present Propagation Committee Chair (Propagation Committee)
- 2022-Present Committee on Drones Member (Committee on Drones)
- 2023-2024 Fellows Evaluation Committee Member (Fellows Committee)
- 2018-2022 Propagation Committee Members (Propagation Committee)