Alexander M. Wyglinski
Alexander M. Wyglinski
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Dr. Alexander M. Wyglinski is internationally recognized as an expert in the field of wireless communications, specializing in cognitive and software-defined radio, dynamic spectrum access, RF spectrum characterization, cyber-physical systems and security, and wireless system optimization and adaptation. He is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA, Director of the Wireless Innovation Laboratory (WI Lab), and Director of the WPI Limerick (Ireland) Project Center. Throughout his academic career, Dr. Wyglinski has published 30 journal papers, 73 conference papers, 9 book chapters, and the first-ever textbook on cognitive radio communications and networks (Academic Press, December 2009). Dr. Wyglinski’s research activities have been or are currently being sponsored by organizations such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Naval Research Laboratory, the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force Research Laboratory – Space Vehicles Directorate, The Mathworks, Toyota InfoTechnology Center U.S.A., and the National Science Foundation. Dr. Wyglinski is a Senior Member of the IEEE, a member of Sigma Xi and Eta Kappa Nu, and a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (July 2012 – June 2014).