Carlos Lozano Garzon

Carlos Lozano-Garzon

Personal Gender Pronouns
Universidad de los Andes
IEEE Region
Region 09 (Latin America)
Technical Area
Wireless networks, Vehicular communications and connected vehicles, Information and network security, Cooperative communication and green communication, Autonomous vehicles and intelligent transportation
Spoken Languages



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Carlos Lozano-Garzon (Senior Member, IEEE) received a System Engineering degree from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, in 2002 and a joint Ph.D. degree from the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, and the Universitat de Girona, Spain, in 2017. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the System and Computing Engineering Department at Universidad de los Andes. He worked as a Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and as a Visiting Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay, among others. His research interests include network optimization from a multi-criteria perspective, smart mobility: vehicle networks and intelligent transport systems, the Internet of Things, and network security.

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