David Haccoun
David Haccoun
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David Haccoun (S’62–M’67–SM’84–F’93–LF’03) received the Engineer and B.A.Sc. degrees (Magna Cum Laude) in engineering physics from École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada; the S.M. degree in electrical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from McGill University, Montreal. Since 1980, he has been a Professor of electrical engineering with École Polytechnique de Montréal. His research interests include communication theory, theory and applications of error-control coding using convolutional codes, and wireless and mobile communications. He is the author or co-author of over 350 journal papers and conference papers in these areas. He is a coholder of a U.S. patent on an error control technique and is a co-author of the books The Communications Handbook (CRC, 1997, and IEEE Press, 2001), The Encyclopedia of Telecommunications (Wiley, 2003), and Digital Communications by Satellite (Wiley, 1981). A Japanese translation of that book was published in 1984.
Dr. Haccoun was a member of the Board of Directors of the Communications Research Centre, Ottawa, ON, Canada, and of the Telecommunications Engineering Management Institute of Canada. He served as the Treasurer for the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory in 1982, as the Cochair for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC) in Fall 2006, and as an Invited Speakers Chair for IEEE VTC in Fall 2012. He serves as a member of the Steering Committee for the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters and of the IEEE 2013 Fellows Committee. He served as the Managing Guest Editor for a special issue on network coding and its applications to wireless communications of Elsevier Physical Communications from 2011 to 2012. He received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Communications in 2008 and the IEEE Canada Fessenden Award in Communications in 2012. He was elected as a member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (IEEE VTS) for 2009–2011 and 2013–2015, and was a member of the IEEE Fellow Committee (2012–2013). He is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada and a member of the Order of Engineers of Quebec, Sigma Xi, and the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences.
Achievements include:
- Life Fellow, IEEE , 2003
- Distinguished Lecturer VTS, 2011-2015
- Fellow, The Engineering Institute of Canada, 2004
- R.A. Fessenden Award and Medal, IEEE Canada, 2012
- Presidential Citation for Outstanding Services VTS, 2015
- Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering, 2015
- 2020-2024 Awards Committee Member (Awards Committee)
- 2013-2015 Elected BoG Member (Board of Governors)
- 2009-2011 Elected BoG Member (Board of Governors)