IEEE VTS YP Seminar: How to supervise your supervisor: Learning the tricks while having fun

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Title: How to supervise your supervisor: Learning the tricks while having fun
This talk is on how to maximise the potential of your supervisor! Dr. Qammer Abbasi will go through top tips, stories you will recognise (hopefully the positive ones) and potential strategies to mitigate issues in supervision. He will discuss expectations of supervisors from the students and top tips. He delivered this workshop in the past in China, UK, Pakistan and Malaysia.
Presented by Dr. Qammer Abbasi
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, U.K.
Speaker's Bio:
Dr. Abbasi is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) with the James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, U.K., deputy head for Communication Sensing and Imaging group, Program Director for Dual PhD Degree, Co-Manager for RF and terahertz laboratory and research investigator with Scotland 5G Center Urban testbed. He has a grant portfolio of £6M and contributed to more than 350+ leading international technical journals and peer reviewed conference papers and 10 books and received several recognitions for his research including the URSI Young Scientist Awards, University Research Excellence Award from TAMUQ in two consecutive years, Reward for Excellence from University of Glasgow, UK exceptional talent endorsement (awarded to early career world-leading innovators and scientists) by Royal Academy of Engineering, National talent pool award by Pakistan, International Young Scientist Award by NSFC China, National interest waiver by USA, 6 best paper awards, most downloaded paper in IEEE Terahertz Transaction, cover of MDPI journal twice, and best representative image of an outcome by QNRF. In addition, his work received media coverage by Analog IC tips, Microwaves & RF newsletters, Vertical news, Pakistan Dawn news, BBC news, Scotland TV, Chinese news and many other media houses.
Dr. Abbasi is an IEEE senior member and is chair of the IEEE AP/MTT Scotland joint chapter and was chair of the IEEE young professional affinity group. He is an Associate editor for IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, IEEE Sensors, IEEE Internet of Things, IEEE open access Antenna and Propagation, senior editor for Frontiers IoT and Sensors Networks section and acted as a guest editor for numerous special issues in top notch journals. He is a committee member for IEEE APS Young professional, IEEE 1906.1.1 standard on nano communication, IEEE APS/SC WG P145, IET Antenna & Propagation and healthcare network. Dr. Abbasi has been a member of the technical program committees of several IEEE flagship conferences and technical reviewer for several IEEE and top-notch journals and acted as TPC chair and executive chair for 4th and 5th international UCET conference 2019 and 2020 in addition to EAI Bodynets 2021 General Co-Chair. He serves regularly as a reviewer for EPSRC, MRC and international funding bodies, organiser of conferences, special sessions, workshops and TPC member for several IEEE flagship conferences, in addition to a reviewer for Wiley & Sons books, Springer, IET books, IEEE conferences, and more than 30 leading journals including Nature.