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Call for Papers: VTM Special Issue on 6G Technologies and Applications

Extended Deadline: 21 July 2024
4 months 3 weeks ago
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Sponsored by the IEEE Future Networks initiative, the IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine (VTM) will hold a special section series that aims to help the research and industrial communities define and shape the architecture, technologies and services for 6G networks. We are soliciting original contributions that are not published or currently under consideration by any other journals.


A list of potential topics to be covered by the special issue include, but are not limited to:
6G dimensions and fundamental analyses
New PHY and medium access technologies
MU-MIMO and new antenna technologies
Terahertz communications
Wireless networking using the optical spectrum: LiFi, visible light communications (VLC), optical camera communication (OCC) and free-space optical (FSO) communications
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
Integrated communications and sensing
Semantic communications
Deterministic communications and networks
New core network entities and interfaces
6G network assurance and service optimization
Cloudification, multi-access edge computing and IoT
Cyber security and trusted platforms
Digital Twin and Quantum communications
AI/ML intelligent and autonomous networks
Green 6G networks, wireless harvesting technologies and energy efficiency
6G satellite, non-terrestrial networks and UAV networks
6G-enabled vertical applications and services