Brindha Saminathan
Brindha Saminathan
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Dr Brindha Saminathan
Chairman| VTS Madras Section Chapter [2022-2023]
Chair| SAC Madras Section [2022-2023]
ExCom Member | IEEE Madras section [2022-2023]
Vice-Chairman | SPS Madras Section Chapter [2022- 2023]
IEEE Senior Member
Professor/ECE Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai.
Dr Brindha Saminathan is Professor of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai. She received the Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Bharathidasan University, Trichy in 1994. Received her Master of Engineering in Communication and Networking from Anna University MIT campus, Chennai in 2008. She awarded Ph.D. with the thesis titled “Energy and Electromagnetic Pollution Studies on Radio Over Fiber based Multi-Operator Multi-Service Wireless Communication Systems” under Information and Communication Engineering from Anna University CEG Campus, Chennai in 2018. She is having 24 years of experience in Teaching and 12 years of experience in Research. She also an Anna University Recognized Supervisor (Ref. No:3340014). She is Professional Member of IEEE, IETE, OSI, ISTE and OSA. Guided more than 20 PG Projects and Currently Guiding seven Research scholars also Doctoral Committee member of 07 Research Scholars. She has Published 75 papers in National/International Conferences, 12 papers in National/International Journals and inventor of 6 patents. Active Reviewer of Journal of Optical Communications (DE Gruyter), Journal of Optics (Springer), Optical Engineering (SPIE), International Journal of Electronics (Taylor &Francis). She has received Rs 15,00000 /-(Rupees Fifteen lakhs only) fund sanctioned by AICTE Grant aid no and date: 8024 and 21.12.2009 for the establishment of Optical Communication Systems design and Development Laboratory. She is a member of Board of Studies (BOS) and syllabus framing committee in ECE board, Sri Sairam Engineering College. Panel discussion Chair for MAS - SB LEADD (Madras Section – Student Branch Leadership Enhancement and Development Drive) on July 28. She Organized an AICTE sponsored an 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing, and Internet of Things (IC3IOT-2020) on 20th – 22nd Feb 2020 and IC3IoT-2022 from 10th March 2022 to 11th March 2022. Also acted as Conference Chair for the IEEE 2022 International Conference on Communication, Computing, and Internet of Things (IC3IOT-2020) on 10th – 11th March 2022. She Involved as a Project Co-Ordinator for Employability Skill training Project to Conduct training session on Optical Communication Hardware and Networking for final year students supported by CSR Initiative of Teja’s Network in association with ICT Academy from 08.07.2020 to 24.01.2021. She Organized Online mode AICTE sanctioned ATAL FDP 2020-21 for the topic “Artificial Intelligence for Robotics “ from Dec 7th - 11th 2020. Session chair for IEEE Virtual Conference on Smart Structures and Systems, 23-24th July 2020 organized by Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai (Online mode). IEEE Senior Member. She is IEEE SB Counselor. Co-ordinating as an IEEE SEC Student Branch counselor since 2008 onwards (12 years) and organized various events for the benefit of student community and society, also received various prizes and awards from IEEE USA HQ as well as from IEEE madras section. Received Top recruiter award 2013 with prize amount of $1000 from IEEE HQ USA for IEEE Madras section. Organized various events under IEEE SB as a Counselor and initiated 28 new societies in the college. She has been deputed as Vice-chairman SPS Madras chapter during the period 2022-2023. She has been deputed as Chairman VTS Madras section chapter from 2022 onwards. Recently elected as ExCom member of the IEEE Madras section committee for the duration 2022-2023. She delivered many special technical lectures for the benefit of faculty members through FDPs. Organized more than 200plus events under IEEE SB banner for the benefits of students and professional members. Recently IEEE SPS Society sanctioned fund of $5000 to organize IEEE SPS Seasonal School on Optical signal Processing For Communication ,Computing and Sensing during Cycle 2 as a Vice- Chairman of SPS Madras chapter also received a highest chapter growth membership award for IEEE SPS SEC SBC with $ 250 during December 2022. Received Highest SB Membership award from IEEE Madras section for the period 2022 for exceptional recruitment of 700 Student Members and 350 Professional members as a Student Branch Counselor. Received Best Proctor award for supporting more than 20 teams of Xtreme 15.0 global contest from IEEE Madras Section. Received Exemplary Student Branch Award for the year 2022 from MGA. On behalf of IEEE VTS Madras chapter as a Chairman of VTS Madras Chapter organized more than 8 DLP events for the benefit of VTS Community. As a Section Student Activities Committee (SSAC) of Madras Section, planned to organize hub Congress for the Student Branch growth of Tamil Nādu and Pondicherry.