Gurkan Gur
Gurkan Gur
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Dr. Gürkan Gür is a senior lecturer at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) InIT Information Security Group in Switzerland. He received his Ph.D. in computer engineering in 2013 from Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey. His research interests include Future Internet, information security, and 5G and Beyond networks. He has two patents (one in the US, one in TR) and has published more than 100 academic works. He has been involved in various European H2020/Horizon Europe, ITEA, and CELTIC, as well as national Innosuisse and TUBITAK (TR) research projects as senior researcher, project coordinator, and academic consultant. Currently, he is leading the ZHAW efforts for the Horizon Europe NATWORK (Net-Zero self-adaptive activation of distributed self-resilient augmented services - 2024-2026) project (https://natwork-project.eu/) and the Horizon Europe - MSCA Staff Exchange ENSURE-6G project (2025-2027). He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM. He is also a member of the IEEE 1920.2 Vehicle to Vehicle Communications (V2V) Standard for Unmanned Aircraft Systems and IEEE 3349 Standard for Space System Cybersecurity work groups.