Swades De
Swades De
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Dr. Swades De received BTech in radiophysics and electronics from University of Calcutta, India (1993), MTech in optoelectronics and optical communication from IIT Delhi, India (1998), and PhD in electrical engineering from the SUNY at Buffalo, USA (2004). He is a full professor of Electrical Engineering (Higher Academic Grade) at IIT Delhi. He was a tenure-track assistant professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA (2004-2007), he worked in ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy, as an ERCIM fellow (2004), and has nearly five years of industry experience on telecom hardware and software development (1993-1997, 1999). Dr. De's research interests are in communication networks, with emphasis on performance analysis and resource optimization. Current directions include energy harvesting communications, wireless energy transfer, sustainable and green communications, spectrum sharing, smart grid networks, and IoT communications.
Dr. De has published over 270 research articles in top journals and conferences, several book chapters, one edited book. He has seven granted and several filed US/WO/Indian patents. Dr. De's outstanding technology research highlights include: widely adopted pioneering cellular traffic load balancing techniques, capacity maximizing wireless services, network layer cooperation, split handover, and cognitive multi-homing techniques for capacity maximizing cellular communications; pioneering experimental/theoretical proofs of RF energy routing and gain optimization via distributed beamforming; fundamental contributions on cross-layer optimized resource allocation for sustainable communications; development of data-driven learning based multi-sensing IoT, which is among top 10 Indian 5G technologies shortlisted by the Indian Department of Telecommunication. Dr. De's research translation outcomes have led to several transfer of technologies.
Dr. De currently serves as an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. He has been active on multiple IEEE conference/professional committees; the recent ones include founding chair of VTS Delhi Chapter, member of IEEE ComSoc OCB, member of IEEE ComSoc ESB, member of VTS AI Wireless Committee, vice-chair of TCGCC SIG on Green Cellular Networks, member of ComSoc APB awards committee, ICC 2022 MWN symposium co-chair, VTC Spring 2022 Green Communications Track co-chair, GLOBECOM 2022 Industry Forum and Exhibits co-chair, and WCNC 2024 workshops co-chair.
Dr. De has received numerous awards and distinctions over his professional career; the recent ones include AICTE Distinguished Professional (2024-2027), Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowship (2021-2024), Om Prakash Bhasin award for Science and Technology (2019), IETE Ram Lal Wadhwa Award outstanding original contribution in electronics and telecommunication engineering (2019), IEEE Communications Letters Exemplary Editor Award (2022, 2021, 2018), IEEE Wireless Communications Letters Best Editor Award (2022), IEEE Communications Letters Exemplary Reviewer Award (2015), Best Paper award in NCC 2021. Dr. De is a Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), Fellow of Indian National Science Academy (INSA), Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI), Fellow of The Institute of Engineers, India, Fellow of IET, UK, Fellow of IETE, India, and a Senior Member of the IEEE, USA.
- 2022-2026 Distinguished Lecturer