Yuguang (Michael) Fang
Hong Kong

Yuguang "Michael" Fang

Personal Gender Pronouns
City University of Hong Kong
IEEE Region
Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)
Technical Area
Wireless networks, Vehicular communications and connected vehicles, Information and network security, Cooperative communication and green communication, Autonomous vehicles and intelligent transportation, 5G/B5G/6G and cellular systems
Spoken Languages


Chinese, Simplified

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Yuguang “Michael” Fang (S’92, M’97, SM’99, F’08) received an MS degree from Qufu Normal University, China in 1987, a PhD degree from Case Western Reserve University in 1994, and a PhD degree from Boston University in 1997. He joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Florida in 2000 as an assistant professor, then was promoted to associate professor in 2003, full professor in 2005, and distinguished professor in 2019, respectively. Since August 2022, he has been the Chair Professor of Internet of Things with the Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong.

Dr. Fang received many awards including the US NSF CAREER Award (2001), US ONR Young Investigator Award (2002), 2018 IEEE Vehicular Technology Outstanding Service Award, 2019 IEEE Communications Society AHSN Technical Achievement Award, 2015 IEEE Communications Society CISTC Technical Recognition Award, 2014 IEEE Communications Society WTC Recognition Award, the Best Paper Award from IEEE ICNP (2006), 2010-2011 UF Doctoral Dissertation Advisor/Mentoring Award, and 2009 UF College of Engineering Faculty Mentoring Award. He held multiple professorships including the Changjiang Scholar Chair Professorship (2008-2011), Tsinghua University Guest Chair Professorship (2009-2012), NSC Visiting Researcher of National Taiwan University (2007-2008), Invitational Fellowship of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2009), University of Florida Foundation Preeminence Term Professorship (2019-2022), University of Florida Research Foundation Professorship (2017-2020, 2006-2009), and University of Florida Term Professorship (2017-2021). He served as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2013-2017) and IEEE Wireless Communications (2009-2012) and serves/served on several editorial boards of journals including Proceedings of the IEEE (2018-present), ACM Computing Surveys (2017-present), ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (2020-present), IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2003-2008, 2011-2016, 2019-present), IEEE Transactions on Communications (2000-2011), and IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2002-2009). He served as the Technical Program Co-Chair of IEEE INFOCOM’2014 and the Technical Program Vice-Chair of IEEE INFOCOM'2005. He has actively engaged with his professional community, serving as a Member-at-Large of the Board of Governors of IEEE Communications Society (2022-2024) and the Director of Magazines of IEEE Communications Society (2018-2019). He is a fellow of ACM, IEEE, and AAAS.

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