Yusheng Ji

Yusheng Ji

Personal Gender Pronouns
National Institute of Informatics
IEEE Region
Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)
Technical Area
Wireless networks, Vehicular communications and connected vehicles, 5G/B5G/6G and cellular systems

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Yusheng Ji received the B.E., M.E., and D.E. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Tokyo. She joined the National Center for Science Information Systems (NACSIS), Japan, in 1990. She is currently a Professor and Director of Information Systems Architecture Science Research Division, National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo, Japan, and a Professor at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Japan. Her research interests include resource management in wireless networks, vehicular networking, and mobile computing. She has served as an Editor of IEEE Transactions of Vehicular Technology from 2012 to 2021, and is serving as an Associate Editor of IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. She has served as a Symposium Co-Chair of IEEE GLOBECOM 2012 and 2014, Track Co-Chair of IEEE VTC 2016 Fall and 2017 Fall, General Co-chair of ICT-DM 2018, Symposium Co-Chair of IEEE ICC 2020, General Co-chair of MSN 2020, and TPC Co-chair of INFOCOM 2023. She is a fellow of IEEE.

IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Position History:
  • Present   Associate Editor - Connected and Automated Vehicles (VTM Editorial Board)
  • Present   Associate Editor - Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Systems (TVT Editorial Board)
  • 2023-Present   Fellows Evaluation Committee Member (Fellows Committee)
  • Recognitions:
  • 2021-2025 Distinguished Lecturer
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