Anitha Saravana Kumar
United States of America

Anitha Saravana Kumar

Fairleigh Dickinson University
IEEE Region
Region 02 (Eastern U.S.)

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Anitha Saravana Kumar(S' 20, M' 23) received her first Ph. D degree from the  Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering at Anna University, Chennai, India, in  2015 and her second Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical, Computer, & Biomedical Engineering at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University),  Toronto, Canada, in 2024. She is an Assistant Professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Gildart Haase School of Computer Sciences and Engineering on the Vancouver Campus. Her research interests include autonomous vehicular networks,  resource management, and deep and federated learning. She has published over 30 journal and conference papers. She has reviewed IEEE Communications Magazine,  Transactions on Wireless Communication,  IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Internet of Things Journal,  Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, Inder Science, and Taylor & Francis publications. She has also been a TPC member for the IEEE Globecom 2020 to 2024, ICC 2022, and VTC 2023 conferences. She received a Student Grant (WICE) from the IEEE International Conference on Communications in 2021 and was chosen for Toronto Soapbox Science 2022. 

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