C.C. Chan

C. C. Chan

University of Hong Kong
IEEE Region
Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)
Technical Area
Vehicular electronics, wireless charging, and wide band gap electronics, Vehicular communications and connected vehicles, Land transportation, EV, fuel cell, and hybrid vehicles, Autonomous vehicles and intelligent transportation
Spoken Languages


Chinese, Simplified



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Prof. C. C. Chan holds BSc, MSc, PhD, HonDSc, HonDTech degrees. He is an authority in electrical engineering, particularly on the theory and practice of the integration of humanities, information, and physical systems. He is currently an honorary professor and former head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Hong Kong. Founder of International Academicians Science and Technology Innovation Centre. Visiting Professor of MIT, UC Berkeley, University of Cambridge, etc. Founding President of the World Electric Vehicle Association. Senior Consultant to governments, academia and industries. Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering, U.K., Fellow of Ukraine Academy of Engineering Sciences, Honorary Fellow of Hungarian Academy of Engineering, Life Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of IET, and Honorary Fellow of HKIE. Recipient of the Royal Academy of Engineering Prince Philip Medal, Chinese Academy of Engineering Guang-Hua Prize, World Federation of Engineering (WFEO) Medal of Engineering Excellence, Silver Bauhinia Star Medal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Gold Medal of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, IEEE Transportation Technologies Award, “Father of Asian Electric Vehicles” by Magazine Global View, His major research field includes the philosophy and key technologies of electric vehicles and intelligent energy systems. He published 17 books, over 450 technical papers and holds 10 patents. http://www.eee.hku.hk/people/ccchan.html

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