Estephania Flores
Estephania Flores
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Estephania Flores was born in Mexico City, Mexico in 1993. She received the B.S. degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 2017. She is currently working toward a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in the École Polytechnique Montreal from January 2022. Her current research topics are Terahertz-frequency bands used by non-geostationary satellites. Estephania began his professional career in 2016 at the Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT), specialized in the satellite communications sector. Her greatest success has been collaborating in the elaboration of the “Regulatory Provisions in matters of Satellite Communication” that updates the satellite regulatory framework of Mexico. She has participated in different meetings of the Inter-American Telecommunications Commission and in the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19). She has studied high-tech management at the Samara State Aerospace University in Russia and high-impact entrepreneurship at San Diego State University in the United States.