United States of America
Jianqing Liu
Jianqing Liu
Personal Gender Pronouns
NC State University
IEEE Region
Region 03 (Southeastern U.S.)
Technical Area
Wireless networks,
Vehicular communications and connected vehicles,
Information and network security,
Cooperative communication and green communication,
5G/B5G/6G and cellular systems
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Jianqing Liu received the Ph.D. degree from The University of Florida in 2018. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science at NC State University, Raleigh, NC, USA. His research interest is wireless communications and networking, security and privacy. He received the U.S. National Science Foundation Career Award in 2021. He is also the recipient of several best paper awards including the 2018 Best Journal Paper Award from IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications & Computing (TCGCC).
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Position History: