Jim Lansford
Jim Lansford
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Dr. Jim Lansford is in the standards group at Qualcomm, working in V2X, Wi-Fi, and UWB standards and strategy. He has over 40 years of experience in communications systems, digital signal processing, and strategic business development. Prior to its acquisition by Qualcomm in August 2015, he was a Fellow in the Global Standards Group at Cambridge Silicon Radio (CSR).
Dr. Lansford was formerly the co-chair of 802.15.3a (high speed UWB) as well as former chair of 802.19 (Coexistence) within IEEE 802, and was also a vice-chair of IEEE 802.15.2. He is currently chair of the Wireless Next Generation Standing Committee in IEEE 802.11. In the Wi-Fi Alliance, he chairs the Automotive Market Segment Task Group and the Long Range Strategy Group; he was previously the chair of the DSRC Marketing and Technical Task Groups. He also serves as Secretary of the SAE Cellular-V2X Technical Committee and the Editor of the SAE J3161/1 standard. He represents Qualcomm on the Board of Directors of the OmniAir Consortium, a global leader in V2X and tolling certification. He is active in the 5G Automotive Alliance, participating in standards and certification activities. Finally, he is co-chair of the Regulatory Working Group in the FiRa Consortium, leading UWB regulatory efforts.
In addition to his experience with Qualcomm and other companies, Dr. Lansford has served on the teaching and/or research faculty of Georgia Tech, the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, and Oklahoma State University; he was also a Visiting Associate Professor at Texas State University. He is currently active as an Adjunct Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Colorado – Boulder. Dr. Lansford has served as an ABET Program Evaluator, is currently a Senior Member of the IEEE, and has a Wireless Communications Engineering Technology (WCET) certification.
Dr. Lansford has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Oklahoma State, an MSEE from Georgia Tech, and a BSEE from Auburn University. He lives in Cascade, Colorado with his wife, Lynn.