Larry Horner
Larry Horner
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Larry is member of Intel’s Network Communication Service Provider team. His efforts focus on accelerating the transformation in the global communication provider network (CSP’s as Industry calls them), the ‘CoSPs as we call them at Intel’. His work at Intel covers all aspects of the carrier transformation including virtualization from innovation to scale deployment from the enterprise premise equipment into the core. In this role as a trusted advisor to the leading accounts at Intel and the community Larry directly interfaces into the highest leadership levels. His insight, breadth of experience and ability to speak directly and at depth in both the business and technical levels of the transformation taking place in this industry brings a sharp focus to the opportunity being addressed today.
Larry is a trusted advisor to a number of leading CoSP accounts for Intel and has worked in areas of transformation to virtualized infrastructure since its inception. At Intel he has led the NCS Technical effort around Intel Select Solutions (ISS) for NFVi and uCPE and is now directing his efforts toward Private Networking at the Edge. Leading customer workshops and driving lighthouse efforts with BT, TEF, NTT, DTAG, Telstra and others.
Larry holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, and specialized on information and communication theory beyond the Masters level. He holds two U.S patents relating to fundamental changes in the communication network transitioning to the all IP network. He has held various senior level positions in the Network Equipment Provider community in design, operations, test, support and influencer roles. He has been a key technical and management contributor to the IP transformation of the communications community for way over 20 years. Larry has designed, developed and supported critical systems for the CoSP network that have gone into over 300 networks world-wide. Larry also has direct experience with a U.S based Tier 1 carrier where he was both a Principal Member of Technical Staff and Area Manager of Advanced Technical Support for their business and mobile VoIP network that carried over 100B VoIP calls per year. As a Senior Member of the IEEE he is a member of the board of the local Communication Society, is the North America Region 5 ComSoc representative and serves as General Co-Chair on the board for the International IEEE NFV SDN conference. He is a regular speaker at conferences and has briefed the Office of the President of the United States on Telecom Security. In his spare time, he enjoys building houses and furniture.
- Present Chair (Dallas Section Joint Chapter)
- Present Chair (Dallas Section Joint Chapter Leadership)