Michael Lentmaier
Michael Lentmaier
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Michael Lentmaier is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Information Technology at Lund University, which he joined in January 2013. His research interests include design and analysis of coding systems, graph based iterative algorithms and Bayesian methods applied to decoding, detection and estimation in communication systems. He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from University of Ulm, Germany in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree in telecommunication theory from Lund University, Sweden in 2003. He then worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at University of Notre Dame, Indiana and at University of Ulm. From 2005 to 2007 he was with the Institute of Communications and Navigation of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen, where he worked on signal processing techniques in satellite navigation receivers. From 2008 to 2012 he was a senior researcher and lecturer at the Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems at TU Dresden, where he was heading the Algorithms and Coding research group. He is a senior member of the IEEE, chair of the IEEE Sweden Vehicular Technology/Communications/Information Theory (VT/COM/IT) joint chapter and he served as an editor for IEEE Communications Letters (2010-2013), IEEE Transactions on Communications (2014-2017), and IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2017-2020). He was awarded the Communications Society & Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award (2012) for his paper “Iterative Decoding Threshold Analysis for LDPC Convolutional Codes”.