Navin Kumar
Navin Kumar
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Navin has obtained his PhD in telecommunication engineering from the university of Aveiro, Minho and Porto of Portugal, Europe. He has over 30 years of working experience in different organizations like govt., IT and academia. Currently, Navin is professor and chairperson of electronics and communication engineering (ECE) in Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita University (Vishwavidyapeetham) Bangalore-INDIA. He has been volunteering IEEE for over 15 years at different roles. He has been branch counselor, Chapter Secretary, Chair Chair, Vice Chair Membership activity at Bangalore section. He is very active in delivering webinar/talk and organizing events like workshop, symposium and conferences. Navin is senior IEEE member, Fellow Institution of Engineers (India) and Life Member IETE, IAEng(HK). He has over 100 peer review publications in conferences and journals. He has also edited books and book chapter. He was awarded Fraunhofer Challenge award for his best thesis in 2010-11. He also won Gowri Memorial award for the best journal paper and many best paper awards. He has delivered tutorial in conferences like ICC and WCNC, VTC. His research area include 5G, mmWave, ITS.