
Sinem Coleri

Koc University
IEEE Region
Region 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Technical Area
Wireless networks, Vehicular communications and connected vehicles, Cooperative communication and green communication, 5G/B5G/6G and cellular systems
Spoken Languages



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Sinem Coleri is Professor in the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Koc University. She is also the founding director of Wireless Networks Laboratory (WNL). Sinem Coleri received the BS degree in electrical and electronics engineering from Bilkent University in 2000, the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and computer sciences from University of California Berkeley in 2002 and 2005. She worked as a research scientist in Wireless Sensor Networks Berkeley Lab under sponsorship of Pirelli and Telecom Italia from 2006 to 2009. Since September 2009, she has been a faculty member in the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Koc University. Her research interests are in wireless communications and networking with applications in machine-to-machine communication, sensor networks and intelligent transportation systems.
Dr. Coleri has more than 150 peer-reviewed publications with citations over 9600. She has received numerous awards and recognitions, including TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Incentive Award and IEEE Vehicular Technology Society 2020 Neal Shepherd Memorial Best Propagation Paper Award in 2020, College of Engineering Outstanding Faculty Award at Koc University and IEEE Communications Letters Exemplary Editor Award as Area Editor in 2019, Turkish Academy of Sciences Distinguished Young Scientist (TUBA-GEBIP) in 2015.
Dr. Coleri has been Area Editor of IEEE Communications Letters and IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society since 2019, Editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology since 2016 and Senior Editor of IEEE Access since 2022. She is an IEEE Fellow and IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer.

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