IEEE Motor Vehicles Challenge 2023

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The IEEE VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge is an annual controller design competition that has been organized in cooperation with the IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC) since 2017. In the 2023 edition, the control competition is designed and implemented by the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V. institute of system dynamics and control and the University of California, Merced. The competitors are invited to develop the energy management algorithm (EMA) for an electric vehicle with two energy storage devices (fuel cell + battery) and three electric motors (modeled in Modelica and using FMI technology Modelica Association); minimization of the energy consumption and battery degradation are some of the main goals of the EMA.
Teams that developed the best solution will receive awards, an invitation to write and present a paper for the IEEE VPPC 2023, and a grant that covers all the expenses related to participation and attendance the IEEE VPPC 2023 (conference registration, transport, and accommodation):
First prize: Up to a limit of 3500 US$.
Second prize: Up to a limit of 1500 US$.
Registration is open. All interested competitor teams are asked to register for the MVC 2023.
- Registration open until 30 November
- EMA submission deadline - 23 March, 2023
- Paper submission deadline - tba
More information is available here: IEEE-MVC-2023: IEEE Motor Vehicles Challenge 2023
Prize Sponsors: IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, IEEE
Contributors: Ricardo de Castro, Jakub Tobolar, Iman Ebrahimi, Dr. Jonathan Brembeck