Patrick Chi-Kwong Luk
Patrick Chi-Kwong Luk
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Professor Luk is a Chair Professor in Electrical Engineering at Cranfield University, where he has been the Head and founder of the Electric Power and Drives (e-PAD) Group since 2002. He is a native from Hong Kong, where he graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Electrical Engineering in the 80’s. He started his career as electrical engineer and then researcher in Hong Kong, before being awarded a British Council Scholarship for further studies at Sheffield University, and University of South Wales, where he got his masters and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering respectively. For over three decades, Prof Luk has been at the forefront of basic and applied research in advancing electric power conversion technologies over the past decades. He has established a strong research record in developing novel concepts in electric power conversion systems based on electric machines and drives, covering a wide range of power level from energy harvesting applications (in milliwatts) to superconducting motors (in megawatts) for electric propulsion systems in aerospace. During the past decade, he has been involved in several strategic government-based projects with a view to advancing UK’s capability in electric vehicle technologies, in which he led the development of a non rare-earth traction machine with performance comparable to its rare-earth counterparts. More recently, he has led his e-PAD Group to extend its research agenda by undertaking crosscutting research, with joint projects covering automotive, aerospace and energy themes across the University’s research groups. In less than two decades, 22 PhD students have since graduated from the Group. Currently, Prof Luk’s research portfolio includes two government-funded programmes involving the decarbonisation of transport via electrification, and a novel bio-inspired cooling method for EV battery systems. He has been an active IEEE volunteer and has served as in roles such as chairman/co-chair for UKI Chapter in Power electronics for over 20 years. He has over 240 publications and several patents in electric machines, power electronics and renewable energy. As a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Vehicle Technology Society, Prof Luk has given lectures in a number of international venues, with topics including “Convergence of the Electric Grid and Electrified Transport", " Second wave of electrification”, “Decarbonisation of transport via electrification”, “Review of and advances in electric machines”, and “Emerging charging infrastructures”.
- 2018-2020 Distinguished Lecturer