Maximo Morales

Maximo Morales

Personal Gender Pronouns
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
IEEE Region
Region 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Technical Area
5G/B5G/6G and cellular systems, Autonomous vehicles and intelligent transportation, Cooperative communication and green communication
Spoken Languages




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Máximo Morales Céspedes is currently working as postdoctoral researcher and assistant professor in the framework of a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación fellowship in Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. His research interests are interference management, visible light communications, hardware implementations, MIMO techniques and signal processing applied to wireless communications. After presenting the thesis “Blind Interference Alignment for Cellular Networks” in November 2015, which was awarded as outstanding thesis, he was with the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM) at Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, as postdoctoral researcher until January 2017. Moreover, he has carried out research stays in University of Patras, University of California Irvine, University of Edinburgh, and University of Linkoping. He has participated in 8 national (1 of them as coordinator and principal researcher) and 2 national research projects as well as 7 contracts with the industry (2 of them as principal researcher). His research has resulted in 2 book chapters, 14 publications in international journals 14 (10 in Q1, 4 in Q2) and around 30 papers in international conferences, as well as 1 patent. His publications have received more than 228 citations and his h-index is 9. Currently, he is editor of IEEE Communication Letters and has been TPC in serval international conferences such as IEEE Globecom, Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) and International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS). In 2019, he organized the special session “Visible light communications for industry 4.0” in ISWCS. Moreover, he participates as reviewer in several international journals and conferences such as IEEE Communication Letters (Exemplary reviewer 2013), IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE GLOBECOM or IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) and he usually participates in the Communications Theory Technical Committee of IEEE ComSoc. He is secretary of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Spanish chapter since 2022. In 2012, he was finalist of the IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest. He has received the outstanding thesis award by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the XXXII Spanish College Electrical and Computer Engineering FUNDACIÓN TELEFONICA best master thesis award in 2013. His teaching work is rated with an average 4.5/5. Moreover, in 2019, he has organized and administrated three new subjects: “Comunicación por satélite y espaciales”, “Comunicaciones por luz visible para la industria inteligente” and “Communications systems for Internet of Things”.

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