Nadia Yousfi Steiner
Nadia Yousfi Steiner
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• Nadia Yousfi Steiner received a master’s degree in mathematics and a master’s degree in Fluidics and Energetics in 2006. She obtained a PhD in Engineering Science in collaboration between the University of Franche-Comté and the European Institute for Energy Research in Karlsruhe, Germany in 2009. From 2009 to 2014, she worked as R&D Project Manager in charge of collaborative projects on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in Germany. Her research interest deals with Fuel Cell systems characterization diagnostics, prognostics and Fault Tolerant Control for mobility application.
• She is currently Full Professor at the University of Franche-Comté and held a 6-years research Chair of excellence in the framework of the LabEx ACTION/FEMTO-ST within the Energy department in Belfort, France and the head of the Cursus Master of Engineering Hydrogen Energy and Energy efficiency H3E (First 5years education programme about hydrogen in France). This Master has been awarded by the “Trophée de l’Hydrogénie”, best project in the category of “Sensibilisation, Formation et Education” in 2022.
• Since 2021, she set an international master’s programmes in electrical engineering and Hydrogen (Gradute School EUR EIPHI, Master ENERGY). Nadia Yousfi has been recently awarded with the CNRS Bronze Medal (March 2019) for her research.