Shanmugasundar G
Shanmugasundar G
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Dr.G.Shanmugasundar is working as an Professor and Dean research & Developments in Mechanical Engineering Department, Sri Sai Ram Institute of technology, Chennai-44. He has completed Ph.D in the area of Designing Inspection robot at Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University Chennai, Tamil Nadu. India. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from AVC Engineering College, Mailaduthurai, Tamil Nadu India. His research work includes the kinematic study, modelling and simulation and its application in nuclear industry. He has a vast experience in teaching CAD/CAM, modern manufacturing systems, Special casting process, Manufacturing Technology, Mechatronics, Engineering Graphics, and Design Subjects. He has written a book on Computer Aided Manufacturing. He has specialization in the areas of high end softwares. He is contributing as a life member with IEEE Senior member and 07 Scoiety membership including Robotics and Automation Society - SB Adviser , ISTE, IEI, AMM ,and Indian Science Congress. He published More than 75 papers in reputed journals. He published 18 innovative patents out of that 05 was granted .