Ankit R. Patel
Ankit R. Patel
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Ankit R. Patel is a transport researcher and currently associated with the University of Minho, Portugal. He has been involved as a keynote speaker in many international events, such as Casablanca Smart City, Morocco, in June 2024; Navigate Mobility, Prague, Czech Republic, in September 2024; Smarter Mobility Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa, in October 2024; 1st International Conference on Energy, Materials, and Information Technology (ICEMIT), Ranchi, India, in December 2024; 3rd IEEE Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication, and Computing Technology (ODICON), Bhubaneswar, India in November 2024; and 1st International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Intelligent Systems (ICSCIS), Jaipur, India in March 2025. He has associated with various prestigious international conferences like ACM (CHI, NordiCHI, OzCHI, AutomotiveUI, Mindtrek, COMPASS, GROUP, IMX, MuC), IEEE (ITEC, AFRICON, e-Science, MELECON, LOGISTIQUA, WF-PST, ECCE, GTSNZ, SeFeT), Design Research Society (LXD), and IFAC (CTS). At the ASME/IEEE 2025 Joint Rail Conference (JRC), he will serve as the paper chair. He also serves as a lead editor for the special issue in the Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (User-Centered Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and Journal of Social Economic Research, and as an editorial board member in the Journal of Sustainable Urban Mobility and Transportation Development Research. His research interests lie in the fields of human factors and interaction, smart cities, policy and design, sustainable and socially inclusive transportation.