Award/Recognition Menu
The IEEE VTS Propagation Technical Committee Best Thesis Award aims to recognize and reward excellent developments by young researchers in our community. To do so, the best Ph.D. thesis in radio propagation for vehicular environments and related fields will be selected each year.
A single annual award will be given but only if a suitable awardee is identified.
The award consists of a plaque.
Winners will be announced at the VTS Propagation Committee Fall Meeting and at the VTC202X-Fall Propagation Workshop/Session.
Novelty, quality, impact, and readability.
Excellent Ph.D. theses defended within the current and previous two years can be submitted.
The main topic of the thesis, or some of its main contributions, must be focused on the field of radio propagation for vehicular environments or closely related topics. If not all the contributions of the thesis are in the field of radio propagation for vehicular environments, the specific contributions to this field should be highlighted in the submission.
Either the student or (any of) the advisor(s) must be an IEEE VTS member at the moment of the application.
Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations. Previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements (per IEEE Policies 4.4: An individual shall receive only one award for a given achievement, unless the significance merits a higher award, which may be given in the following year or thereafter.)
All applicants (self-nominations allowed) must submit an executive summary of their thesis according to the following guidelines:
The summary should be written in English and conform to the standard IEEE Template for Conference Proceedings.
The summary is limited to a maximum of 6 pages, plus 1 page for the appendix.
The summary must contain at least the following contents: abstract, introduction/motivation and main contributions, state of the art, primary analytical/simulation/experimental developments, main results, and conclusions.
Additionally, a comprehensive list of the main objective outputs of the thesis (papers, patents, software developments, etc.), limited to 1 page, should be included as an appendix.
Signed recommendation letter from the advisor(s) of the thesis supporting the award application and stating the date of defense of the thesis.
The material should be submitted by email as a single pdf file to the secretary of the IEEE VTS Propagation Technical Committee (IEEE VTS-PC), with the subject being “IEEE VTS-PC Best Thesis Contest”. Confirmation of reception will be given, and a certificate of participation will be issued. In the email, the following details should be specified:
Name of the applicant and the advisor(s)
University and Department
Date of defense of the thesis
No recipients available.