Trung Q. Duong

Trung Q. Duong

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Memorial University of Newfoundland
IEEE Region
Region 07 (Canada)

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Trung Q. Duong is a Chair Professor of Telecommunications at Queen’s University Belfast, U.K (Telecommunications ranking is 28th in the world, 5th in Europe, and 2nd in the UK according to the Shanghai ARWU ranking table 2019). His current research interests include IoT (applied to disaster management, smart agriculture, air-quality, smart cities), 5G networks (small-cell networks, ultra-dense networks, ultra-reliable and low latency communications, physical layer security), machine learning and big data analytics (applied to environment management and healthcare). He received his PhD degree in Telecommunications Systems from Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) in Sweden in the end of 2012.
He has authored/co-authored of 400+ papers with approximately 13500 citations and h-index 63 in Google Scholar. He was awarded the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring) in 2013, the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) in 2014, the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) in 2016, IEEE Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in 2017, IEEE Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing in 2019 (IWCMC 2019) and IEEE GLOBECOM in 2019. He has served as an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, and IEEE Communications Letters.
He currently holds a prestigious title Research Chair of Royal Academy of Engineering (2021-2025). He has received prestigious Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship (2015-2020) and has won the prestigious Newton Prize 2017.

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