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Call for New Ad-Hoc Technical Committees

Submit a proposal to IEEE VTS
1 year 10 months ago
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The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) encourages proposals for new ad-hoc technical committees on important or emerging topics in the society’s fields of interest:

  • mobile radio
  • motor vehicles
  • land transportation
Formal Procedure

Proposals should be made through the Technical Vice President whose technical area fits best to the proposed technical committee or through the VTS President. Proposals may be submitted to the President if the area of the proposed ad hoc technical committee relates to the areas of multiple Vice Presidents.

The proposal should provide at least the following information:

  • Proposed name of the committee
  • Scope
  • Explanation of importance of the field and relation to VTS fields of interest
  • Initial committee members including main contact (chair)
  • Expected contributions and activities

Proposals will be reviewed by the VTS Standing Committee Evaluation Committee. Based on the review, the VTS board of governors or the VTS president will establish the technical committee first as an ad-hoc committee. After the successful operation of three years or more and positive evaluation by the VTS Standing Committee Evaluation Committee, an ad-hoc committee can be elevated to a standing committee. Proposals for elevation will be evaluated based on the ad hoc committee’s contributions in publications, meetings, standards, other relevant activity, and attracting experts to create a community with diversity within the VT Society.

What is a technical committee expected to do?

Technical Committees shall provide a source of technical and professional advice and assistance on the particular field of interest.

VTS gives a lot of freedom to the committee members and allows for creativity in how a technical committee is run. However, there should be regular activities which are beneficial for the VTS members and related industry as well as academia. Technical committees should also help to make VTS an attractive society for new members.

Here are a few examples on activities which are welcome to be pursued by technical committees:

  • Organization of workshops, tutorials, panels, keynotes or tracks at VTS sponsored conferences
  • Special issues in VTS sponsored publications
  • Webinars through VTS channels
  • Articles in the VTS newsletter
  • Contributions to standardization
  • Organization of summer schools
  • Organization of student competitions
  • Cooperation with industry and possibly acquiring corporate sponsors of VTS
  • Offering awards or making proposals to the VTS awards committee
Who should be members of a technical committee?

A technical committee should be led by a committee chair supported by a core team of committee members. The committee members should have outstanding expertise and reputation in the field. Moreover, they should reflect diversity with regard to geographical region, organizations, gender etc.. Including young professionals is highly recommended/particularly welcome. Moreover, it is expected that the committee members are or become VTS members. (The annual fee for VTS membership is low.)