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IEEE VTS Innovation Challenge

Topic: Unmanned Air Transportation
2 years 6 months ago
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IEEE VTS is proud to announce the winner's of the 2022 Advanced Air Mobility Innovation Challenge:

First Prize
Title: Intelligent 5G networks for BLOS UAV networking
Authors: Matteo Bordin and Pietro Brach del Prever, led by Professor Salvatore D’Oro
Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA.

Second Prize
Title: Hermes - Wind Energy Harvesting Wireless System for Sensing: Angle of Attack and Wind Speed
Author: Suryansh Sharma supervised by Drs. Venkatesh Prasad, Ashutosh Simha, Vineet Gokhale, and
Sujay Narayana

Third Prize
Title: Implementation and Operation of Air Corridors
Authors: Nishant Gupta, Arhum Ahmad, Dhawal Salwan, and Sundeep Manoj Kumar, Supervised by Dr.
Satyam Agarwal, Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, India

Honorary Prize (1)
Title: UAV Swarm-based surveillance
Authors: Vishal Mishra and Chandra Has Singh, Supervised by Dr. Kamal Jain, Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India

Honorary Prize (2)
Title: Greenery Scanner: an AI-powered Drone Based Urban Green Health Monitoring System
Authors: Akshit Gupta and Jose Ignacio de Alvear Cardenas, supervised by prof. R, Venkatesh Prasad, TU Delft, Delft, the Netherlands

The purpose of this challenge is to engage undergraduate and graduate students across the world in developing novel concepts in unmanned air transportation. It is an opportunity for promoting drone research and education activities within the student community and to encourage them to engage in this exciting and emerging topic. Students will work to contribute concepts that are feasible to implement within the near future in the real world. Participants are allowed to use community testbeds such as the NSF AERPAW platform ( for their projects. The topics are broad and include:

  • Air Corridors
  • Command and Control
  • Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance
  • Sensing and Automation
  • Traffic Management
  • Data Collection, Aggregation, and Dissemination
  • Safety, Security, and Privacy
  • Acoustic Noise Modeling and Mitigation
  • Detect and Avoid & Collision Avoidance
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Economics and Environmental Justice
  • Video Games (Similar to Mini Metro) to Create Air Corridors. 

For more information, please go to:

Registration deadline: 2 October 2022
Submission deadline: 2 November 2022