Abderrahim Benslimane
Abderrahim Benslimane
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Abderrahim Benslimane is Full Professor of Computer-Science at the Avignon University/France since 2001. He is Vice Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology and Head of the Master Degree SICOM, Communicating Systems. He has been nominated in 2020 as IEEE VTS Distinguished Lecturer. He has the French award for Doctoral supervision and Research 2017-2021. He has been as Associate Professor at the University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard since September 1994. He obtained the title to supervise researches (HDR 2000) from the University of Cergy-Pontoise, France. He received the PhD degree (1993), DEA (MS 1989) from the Franche-Comte University of Besançon, and BS (1987) from the University of Nancy, all in Computer Science.
He has been nominated IEEE ComSoc Steering Chair of Multimedia Communications TC 2022-2024 and previously served as Vice Chair 2020-2022. He is past Chair of the ComSoc Technical Committee of Communication and Information Security 2017-2019. He is EiC of Inderscience Int. J. of Multimedia Intelligence and Security (IJMIS), Area Editor of Security in IEEE IoT journal, editorial member of IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine, IEEE System Journal, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Springer Wireless Network Journal and Past Area Editor of Wiley Security and Privacy journal 2017-2019.
He is co-founder and serves as General-Chair of the IEEE WiMob since 2005 and of iCOST and MoWNet international conference since 2011. He is General Chair of IEEE CNS 2020. He is Executive Forum Co-Chair at IEEE Globecom 2020. He is Program vice Chair of IEEE TrustCom 2020. He is Program Chair of IEEE iThings 2020. He served as a Symposium co-chair/leader in many IEEE international conferences such as ICC, Globecom, AINA and VTC. He was Guest Editor of many special issues. He participates to the steering and the program committee of many IEEE international conferences. He was Board committee member, Vice-chair of Student activities of IEEE France section/Region 8; he was Publication Vice-chair and Conference Vice-Chair of the ComSoc TC of Communication and Information Security. He participates to the steering and the program committee of many IEEE international conferences.
He has more than 220 refereed international publications (books, conference proceedings, journals and conferences) and more than 20 Special issues. All publications are in his research topics. He supervised more than 20 Ph.D thesis and more than 40 M.Sc. research thesis.
His research topics are Monitoring schemes, secure and QoS protocols design, verification and performance evaluation, multicasting, for IoT, Autonomous vehicles, UAV, DDoS, and BlockChain technology and AI/ML schemes for Security.
He has been reviewer of a great number of journals, of national research projects sponsored by the ANR/Telecom French Agency. He is involved in many national and international projects.
For more detail, see my complete CV: http://abderrahimbenslimane.org/
- 2024-2027 Distinguished Speaker