Jiming Chen
Jiming Chen
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Jiming Chen is a Changjiang Scholars Professor with College of control science and engineering, Zhejiang University. He is vice Dean of Facutly of Information Technology, deputy director of the State Key laboratory of Industrial Control Technology, Director of Industrial Process Control. He was a visiting researcher at University of Waterloo from 2008 to 2010. Currently, He serves/served associate editors for ACM TECS, IEEE TPDS, IEEE Network, IEEE TCNS, IEEE TII, etc. He has been appointed as a distinguished lecturer of IEEE vehicular technology society 2015, and selected in National Program for Special Support of Top-Notch Young Professionals, and also funded Excellent Youth Foundation of NSFC. He also was the recipients of IEEE INFOCOME 2014 Best Demo Award, IEEE ICCC 2014 best paper award, IEEE PIMRC 2012 best paper award, and JSPS Visiting Fellowship 2011. He also received the IEEE Comsoc Asia-pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2011. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (2015-2018), and a Felllow of IEEE. His research interests include networked control, sensor networks, cyber security, IoT.
- 2024-Present Committee on Drones Member (Committee on Drones)
- 2020-2022 Fellows Evaluation Committee Member (Fellows Committee)
- 2019-2022 Distinguished Speaker