Wanjiun Liao
Wanjiun Liao
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Wanjiun Liao is the Chair Professor of National Taiwan University and the National Chair Professor of the Ministry of Education (MoE) in Taiwan. She was the Department Chair of Electrical Engineering and the Provost of National Taiwan University, and the Director General of the Department of Engineering and Technologies of Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology. She is currently the Executive Vice President of National Taiwan University. Dr. Liao has been very active in IEEE and ComSoc, serving as IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer (2011-2012), Associate Editors of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2003-2010), IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2004-2007), IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (since 2020), Senior Editor of IEEE Systems Journal (since 2020), Steering Committee of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE ComSoc Chair of Distinguished Lecturer Selection Committee (2020-2021), IEEE Fellow Committee (2013-2015) and IEEE ComSoc Fellow Evaluation Committee (2016-2018). She is a Fellow of the IEEE.
- 2023-2025 Distinguished Lecturer