Xingqin Lin
Xingqin Lin
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Xingqin Lin is the 3GPP Lead at NVIDIA, spearheading 3GPP and ATIS standardization and conducting research at the intersection of 5G/6G and AI. Before joining NVIDIA, he was with Ericsson, leading 5G/6G research and standardization in focus areas. He was an Ericsson NextGen Advisory Board member, collaborating with Ericsson Executive Team on strategic projects. He is an expert in wireless communications and technology strategy and a key contributor to 5G NR, NB-IoT, and LTE standards. He serves as the founding co-chair of the ATIS AI Network Applications working group. His pioneering work has led to strategic opportunities, products, and real-world deployments in the telecom industry, enabling major network transitions from 4G to 5G.
He is co-author of the book “Wireless Communications and Networking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” and the lead editor of the books “5G and Beyond: Fundamentals and Standards” and "Fundamentals of 6G Communications and Networking." He has published 90+ refereed papers and contributed to 200+ patent applications, including standards essential inventions. His publications have been cited over 8,000 times. He has garnered several awards, including the IEEE Communications Society Fred W. Ellersick Prize (2021), IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Early Career Award (2021), IEEE WCNC Best Paper Award (2020), and IEEE Communications Society Best Young Professional Award in Industry (2020), among others.
He serves/served as an editor of the IEEE Communications Letters (2015-2018), IEEE Communications Magazine (2022-now), IEEE Network (2021-now), and IEEE Internet of Things Magazine (2021-now), the lead guest editor for the IEEE Network special issue on "The Interplay Between Generative AI and 5G-Advanced toward 6G" and IEEE Communications Magazine feature topic on “Digital Twins Meet Artificial Intelligence in 6G," and the lead editor for the IEEE Internet of Things Magazine miniseries on "AI for IoT." He was recognized as an exemplary editor of the IEEE Internet of Things Magazine (2021 & 2022) and IEEE Network (2022). He is an IET Fellow, an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer, and an IEEE VTS Distinguished Lecturer. He holds a Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, USA.