IEEE VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge 2017

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Energy Management of a Fuel Cell/Battery Vehicle
The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, the University of Quebec à Trois-Rivières, L2EP laboratory, FCLAB Research federation, FEMTO-ST Institute and the French network on HEVs (MEGEVH) launch the IEEE VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge 2017. The challenge focuses on the energy management of a Fuel Cell/Battery Vehicle. Both Academic and Professional teams are welcome to participate in this challenge. The aim of this challenge is to develop a robust Energy Management Strategy to increase the energy sources' lifetime and to minimize the hydrogen consumption. In this way, the simulation model and control presented in this paper will be provided to the challenge participants (downloadable Matlab Simulink file). The top scoring participants will be distinguished and invited to present their results in a special session at the 2017 IEEE VPPC.