IEEE VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge 2021

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Energy Management of a Dual-Motor All-Wheel Drive Electric Vehicle
Welcome to VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge 2021
The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, the University of Sherbrooke, the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, the University of Québec at Trois-Rivières, and the University of Lille are proud to launch the IEEE VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge 2021.
Challenge Objective:
The challenge focuses on the design of an energy management strategy (EMS) for a dual-motor all-wheel drive (AWD) electric vehicle (EV) of which the reference model is given from an urban EV developed at the University of Sherbrooke. The participants will develop their EMS to allocate the traction forces between the front and rear axles and also the mechanical and electrical braking forces of each axel.
The ultimate objective of the EMS is to minimize the battery state-of-charge (SoC) depletion respecting the torque constraints of the EDs and the temperature constraints of the battery cell.
The top-scored participated teams will be distinguished and invited to present their EMSs in a special session of the IEEE-VPPC 2021.